Monday, February 27, 2006

Sugar Free Energy Drinks

Blog Name: Sugar Free Energy Drinks
Comment Left: Being forced to read this blog can be compared to the act of standing inside the septic tank of a port-a-potty while a constant parade of drunken truck drivers, all of whom had dinner at a Mexican restaurant, rain down fecal matter and insults upon your head.


introspectre said...

If you were standing in the septic tank of a port-o-potty, you'd still be only knee deep it in, unless you were a small child or a midget.
So, for the truck drivers to rain fecal matter down upon your head, they would all have to be shitting from atop a ladder placed inside the port-a-potty.
I just don't see it happening.
It's hard to crap while hunched over on top of a ladder.

introspectre said...

After looking at the site, though, I must say it would be closer to watching endless Disney movies with your eyelids stapled to your eyebrows and an IV drip of meth to keep you perpetually awake.

Unknown said...

Smacky thanks you introspectre. Obviously, you have put a great deal of thought into the idea of standing inside the septic tank of a port-a-potty.

What's wrong with the idea of children or midgets standing in port-a-potties? What do you have against midgets? They have equal rights you know. Except when it comes to sharing cake. Midgets should get smaller slices of cake than regular sized people. It just makes sense.

introspectre said...

I have nothing against midgets, nor did I imply I did. You, however, imply you have something against anyone taller than 3 feet tall, because they would be unable to reap the rich benefits of being shat upon.
I surmise that your lack of foresight on this one was simply due to the fact that you are vertically challenged, and meant no fecal-rain-discrimination against those of us over 3 feet tall.
I agree about the cake, though. Seems reasonable enough.

Unknown said...

Smacky has said it before, and he will say it again: At 3.25 inches tall, Smacky is tall for a mouse.