Blog Name: Frap Gurl
Comment Left: Smacky loves goth girls. They remind him that human stupidity and a senseless devotion to fashion are not limited to preppy blonde airheads.
Comment Left: Smacky loves goth girls. They remind him that human stupidity and a senseless devotion to fashion are not limited to preppy blonde airheads.
That was quick you bastage! How the fuck did you find me???
Smacky has powers beyond that of an average mouse.
smacky needs a glue trap....
Smacky lives in constant terror of glue traps. Much as frap gurl lives in constant terror of her parents discovering her midnight trips to her brother's bedroom for pillow fights and oral sex.
I am 39 you fucking moron! No brother's asshat!
Smacky apologies. In his previous insult, just swap out the word "brother" for the words "bisexual room mate". The rest of it still stands.
Um, I live with my 2 teenage boys wanna say something about that????? I happen to be independant of men asshole, and I see why you are a rodent!
Smacky cannot help but wonder how frap gurl can live with 2 teenaged males, but be independant of men? Sounds like a contradiction. Unless your boys are pussies.
Are you still alive, Smacky? Did the glue trap get you??
Smacky is still alive ... just weary of human idiocy. Frap Gurl's stupidity put him into a coma.
Oh ok, well, best wishes!
Would you like some cheese?
It's from France!
Smacky knows that the best cheese comes from France. And the worst teeth.
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